Sunday, September 22, 2013

Warning!! Feminine post!!

  time has gone by and I'm still learning what I can and can't do with essential oils. One thing I have learned is that essential oils can be used as a healing agent. Say you are like me and are gifted with natural clumsiness. Reaching into an oven can be a terrifying experience. Luckily for us, it's been studied and suggested that the Lavender essential oil not only soothes burns but also helps prevent scarring.  Yay!!  After years of tripping, falling, stitches, and burn creams, there is a natural, easy, and aromatic way to clean AND heal AND prevent scarring for my poor skin.  However, what about internal pains?  What I want to specifically discuss are periods...that 'time of the month' that occurs for many ladies young or old. It's a time when each woman reacts differently to the hormones and pains of dear Aunt Flo's visit.  Personally, I turn into a complete space-case days before the actual 'running of the bulls' followed by fetal positions and sobbing for it to all go away.  Or at least bring me some chocolate.

            Even since my high school days it has been difficult for me to handle the pain of my uterus dry-heaving its own lining.  Between remembering that I need to always carry with me tampons, pads, Advil, water and snacks for the Advil, and potentially new underwear it's a lot to keep in mind, on top of already feeling like you want to tear anyone-who-talks-to-you's head off.  So, once I heard that essential oils can be used to soothe not only menstrual cramps but also pms I was happy....nay, ecstatic!  Finally a way to combat the awful grinding of misaligned gears in my tummy!  I made sure that once my next period comes around I'll know what oils to use.  So, to help every poor woman who has to deal with their personal version of The Shining, here's a Top 3 list of oils I now use on a monthly basis.

1. Peppermint: Yes!  Always, always have peppermint on hand when on your period!  DoTERRA has done it.  They have helped provide a way to relax that volcano in our tummies and mentally unwind from the stress that's put on our bodies and it begins with Peppermint.  Unlike Advil, Peppermint can be applied directly to your tummy as often as you want vs. Advil can only be ingested once every 4 to 6 hours and only if you have food in your tummy and only if you don't mind it affecting your poor liver.  Another benefit is the oils work NEARLY IMMEDIATELY.  Not only is the oil quickly working to calm the hyperactive uterus but the smell is very therapeutic.  So yes. Always have peppermint on hand. 

2. Solace: This is an oil blend created specifically to help balance the hormone circus going on in our bodies.  It's a delicious smelling blend that is also very calming and helps dial down the sass  (ok...I actually use it as a perfume sometimes...shhh....). 
 P.S.  It's very helpful for those experiencing Menopause. 


3. Lemon or Citrus Bliss: There's always going to be a day or two of your period when you feel like utter crap and just the idea of getting out of bed is overwhelming.  Days like this you're going to need an oil that is happy and uplifting. For me, Citrus Bliss is the nectar of gods and smells so good I can't think of anything that's ever smelled happier (sounds weird, but you'll understand when you smell it). Those days when I feel like fodder are days when I grab my Citrus Bliss or even a little bit of happy Lemon. 

 So there you have it.  Those special "feminine" days you feel like crap, just grab a bottle of your favorite DoTERRA Essential Oil!  If you happen to have an oil that you use that I haven't listed, let me know in the Comment Box!  I'd love to hear what you guys think about Essential Oils.  In addition, feel free to check out my Facebook page or my DoTERRA Website.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Come Fly With Me

           3 years (ish) have gone by since I first learned about essential oils and my opinion hadn't changed much until just last Christmas 2012.  We spent the holidays at my husband's family's as well as two of my brother-in-laws and their families, and yes, it was indeed a full house. One of my husband's brothers already has a very large family and we were blessed to see them as they live in another state. With their 5 kids running around, 4 of which are boys, there was a lot of activity. But it was a beautiful Christmas and so much fun. My sister-in-law Chelsea but gave me and my other sister-in-law Brittney a sweet Christmas present; she gave us each samples of essential oils she uses for her family (DoTERRA Oils, of course). 

             I had the opportunity over the next couple of days to learn about essential oils, how they work, benefits, uses, etc. Though I was very early in my understanding already I was quickly presented with an opportunity to put them to good use.  Just days later my husband and I traveled to Mexico to spend New Year's with my family. Flying has the tendency to give me nausea and I wasn't looking forward to a long flight.  Chelsea had mentioned that one of her boys gets sick on long car trips but she uses a little drop of peppermint behind his ear to combat his queasiness.  I thought it would be a similar situation,  so I gave it a try.....and it worked! Not only was the scent very therapeutic but it also distracted me from the stale airplane air that gets locked in the cabin.  It was a great experience flying without feeling overwhelmingly nauseous and I make it a point to bring my oil samples whenever I travel.

P.s. I'm literally writing this post in an airplane, on a loooong trip cross-country. And I've got my peppermint behind my ear.    :-)  

Friday, August 16, 2013

In the beginning....

This post is all about my first real exposure to essential oils.
                    It was a couple years ago (approx. 2010) and I was in the middle of my college experience at the University of Oregon.  During my time in college I had a great group of friends and we would gather once a week to play volleyball. One week, a girl friend of mine fell wrong and twisted her ankle. It hurt her pretty bad and she couldn't play the rest of the night, so we took her home and helped her get her set up for resting on the family couch. 

                     Her mom came out to see if she could do anything and my friend asked for some 'oils'. I was super confused as I'd never heard of anyone using an oil for a sprained ankle. Her mom got out a shoebox-sized plastic bin full of little vial-looking containers full of different oils and started rubbing one of the oils on her ankle.   .........   I grew up in Eugene,  Oregon  ...  I thought I'd seen all the crazy possible.  I immediately doubted and thought it was irrational to believe that some oil could magically seep through your skin and heal tender ligaments. Then again, placebos can work a lot of magic so I thought to myself, 'if anything it's a good-smelling placebo...'  

                   My friend's mom did teach us something interesting about the oils though; if the oils smell good to you it means you're healthy and free of toxins. I've never drunk, done drugs, or smoked a day in my life, so it did make sense to me that the oils smelled like delicious lemony goodness to me.


Hi, my name is Allison DeFriez and I've decided to start recording my experiences with 
DoTERRA essential oils as I learn about their uses and their value.  This blog will include all my 
 experiences from the beginning exposures to current experiments. But it will be a beautifully 
aromatic and educative journey I know I'll love.  A little about myself, I grew up in the beautiful 
city of Eugene, Oregon taking advantage of the beautiful outdoors by either playing sports, riding bikes, or even occasionally climbing a tree.  During my last year of studying at the University of Oregon I met the love of my life, Mr. Scott DeFriez.  A little while later, we made the decision to move to Florida so my husband could further pursue an education in a career path that interested him.  Since then, he has been studying and I have been working, but we love to take the occasional breaks and go to Orlando to visit ol' Mickey & Minnie.  Florida has been very good to us and it's definitely been an adventure but we have loved it here since day 1.