Monday, September 2, 2013

Come Fly With Me

           3 years (ish) have gone by since I first learned about essential oils and my opinion hadn't changed much until just last Christmas 2012.  We spent the holidays at my husband's family's as well as two of my brother-in-laws and their families, and yes, it was indeed a full house. One of my husband's brothers already has a very large family and we were blessed to see them as they live in another state. With their 5 kids running around, 4 of which are boys, there was a lot of activity. But it was a beautiful Christmas and so much fun. My sister-in-law Chelsea but gave me and my other sister-in-law Brittney a sweet Christmas present; she gave us each samples of essential oils she uses for her family (DoTERRA Oils, of course). 

             I had the opportunity over the next couple of days to learn about essential oils, how they work, benefits, uses, etc. Though I was very early in my understanding already I was quickly presented with an opportunity to put them to good use.  Just days later my husband and I traveled to Mexico to spend New Year's with my family. Flying has the tendency to give me nausea and I wasn't looking forward to a long flight.  Chelsea had mentioned that one of her boys gets sick on long car trips but she uses a little drop of peppermint behind his ear to combat his queasiness.  I thought it would be a similar situation,  so I gave it a try.....and it worked! Not only was the scent very therapeutic but it also distracted me from the stale airplane air that gets locked in the cabin.  It was a great experience flying without feeling overwhelmingly nauseous and I make it a point to bring my oil samples whenever I travel.

P.s. I'm literally writing this post in an airplane, on a loooong trip cross-country. And I've got my peppermint behind my ear.    :-)  

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